Purposes of the Council of Chairs and Directors

  • To foster the individual and collective effectiveness of the Chairs, School and Institute Directors in the performance of their duties
  • To provide the Administration of the University, prompt and accurate information about the needs, problems and viewpoints of Chairs and Directors
  • To provide Chairs and Directors with the opportunity for professional growth and development and for increased knowledge of the issues relevant to their roles as Chairs and Directors
  • To promote and protect the welfare, safety, and satisfaction of the Chairs and Directors


The COCD includes the Chairs of each academic department in a MSU Denver College or School – whether freestanding or as part of a College: in addition, COCD includes department chairs of any College based School or director of any academic institute at MSU Denver.

Executive Committee and Contacts


Jess RetrumPresident (Social Work, College of Health and Human Sciences rep) jhaxton1@msudenver.edu

Eric OlsonVice President (Rita & Navin Dimond Department of Hotel Management, School of Hospitality rep) eolson23@msudenver.edu

Lisa BadanesSecretary (Psychological Sciences, CLAS, Division of Math & Science rep) lbadanes@msudenver.edu


Greg Clifton (Accounting, College of Business rep) gclifto4@msudenver.edu

Nicholas Recker (Sociology and Anthropology, CLAS, Division of Humanities & Social Sciences rep) nrecker@msudenver.edu

Corey Sell (Elementary Education, School of Education rep) csell2@msudenver.edu

Ted Shin (Industrial Design, College of Aerospace, Computing, Engineering and Design rep) jshin2@msudenver.edu

Jacob Welch (Theatre and Dance, CLAS Division of Fine and Performing Arts rep) jwelch25@msudenver.edu